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KS3 & KS4 subject specific information and useful revision links.



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At KS3 the main work in geography is to continue to explore various places, patterns and processes and to deepen and broaden students’ knowledge of the world. We do not require students to purchase any particular text or revision guide. 


The following points are aspects of our learning that you will want to continue to develop in order to enhance your geographical knowledge and understanding.  


  • Locational knowledge- this is about knowing where places are, being able to interpret maps at different scales, recognising the shapes of countries and within them where significant features are located 

  • Physical processes- these link with scientific knowledge of systems that affect the planet such as weather and the hydrological cycle. We also develop our understanding of the landscape and the processes that can change the shape of different features. 

  • Human processes- this is an understanding of social, political and economic geography. To review settlements and how these change over time, we also review globalisation and development 

  • Sense of place- this is inherent in strong geographers, they are able to make detailed analysis of map, photographic and data evidence to understand what life would be like in particular places 

  • Hazards- understanding various phenomena and how these can disrupt human and physical landscapes, examples includes tropical storms, earthquakes, volcanoes and wild fires.  


The following websites are great at providing information, quizzes and research 


At GCSE we study the AQA course (8035). Students will complete detailed written notes in lessons and we often class their exercise books as their first place to look for revision support. For anyone wishing to purchase a revision guide there are various publications and even flashcards to revise from so students are encouraged to review these resources in school to make a decision about what to purchase. The school finance office stocks CGP revision guides which can be bought for revision support.


There are 3 exam papers for Geography, see below for details about these 


Paper 1 

  • Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes 

  • 88 marks (including 3 marks for spelling, punctuation, grammar and specialist terminology (SPaG)) 

  • 35% of GCSE 

  • Questions 

  • Section A: answer all questions (33 marks) 

  • Section B: answer all questions (25 marks) 

  • Section C: answer any two questions from questions 3, 4 and 5 (30 marks) 

  • Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose 


Paper 2 

  • Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes 

  • 88 marks (including 3 marks for SPaG) 

  • 35% of GCSE 

  • Section A: answer all questions (33 marks) 

  • Section B: answer all questions (30 marks) 

  • Section C: answer question 3 and one from questions 4, 5 or 6 (25 marks) 

  • Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose 


Paper 3 

  • Written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes 

  • 76 marks (including 6 marks for SPaG) 

  • 30% of GCSE 

  • Pre-release resources booklet made available 12 weeks before Paper 3 exam 

  • Section A: answer all questions (37 marks) 

  • Section B: answer all questions (39 marks) 

  • Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose 


The following websites are excellent sources of additional revision, resources and research 



In KS3 we are beginning to cover the topics and skills we require students to gain for GCSE History. A great way to prepare yourself ready for GCSE is to focus on a number of skills:


  • Chronological understanding – can you place key historical events in a wider historical context? Are there similarities between time periods?

  • Change and continuity – can you see what has changed during a time period? Have things stayed the same? Is it a combination of both?

  • Cause and consequence – what is it that sparks off a historical event? How have historical events affected people and places afterwards?

  • Interpretations – what do historians think about key events? Why do you think they have this opinion?

  • Evidence – what source material can help you understand the past easier? Are contemporary sources the most useful for a historian?

  • Using historical vocabulary – what key words are commonly used within your topic you are studying? Can you use these key words in your answers?

  • Structuring your knowledge – are you able to show in your written work how events can flow together to form the time period? Can you see what leads on to what?


There are a number of key websites that are useful to learn more about the past:


When using these websites, try to relate these to your topics that we are studying in lessons.



We are now using the Edexcel exam board for History, 9-1 grades. There are three exams in total which students will sit at the end of Year 11:


  • Paper 1 – worth 30%; one exam lasts 1 hour 15 minutes and it covers Crime and Punishment from 1000-present.

  • Paper 2 – worth 40%; one exam lasts 1 hour 45 minutes and it covers one section on Superpower Relations and the Cold War from 1941-91 AND one section on Henry VIII and his ministers, 1509-40.

  • Paper 3 – worth 30%; one exam lasts 1 hour 20 minutes and it covers Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39.

  • Revision materials are available to purchase through the finance office using ScoPay.


In Maths we recommend buying CGP Mathematics 1-9 Complete Revision and Practice. There are two tiers, Higher and Foundation so make sure you get the one relevant to your tier of entry. These can be bought from school or online.


Maths GCSE Revision


Useful Websites


*My Maths & Maths Watch VLE logins required (provided by teachers)

  • My Maths

  • Mathsgenie

  • Maths Watch vle

  • onmaths



At KS3, we introduce and develop students’ understanding of the key phonics, vocabulary and grammatical concepts of the target language.  


Students learn German, Spanish and French on a rotation in Year 7 and are given a choice of which language they take from Year 8 onwards, when they continue with one language until the end of Year 9, when they make their GCSE options choices.


We cover the following topics in all languages:


​​Year 7

  • Personal identity, family and pets

  • Saying where you live

  • Hobbies

Year 8

  • Where you live and environment

  • Free time activities

  • Sport, fitness and illness

  • Media and technology

  • Relationships with others

Year 9

  • Education and work

  • Transport and holidays

  • Customs, festivals and celebrations

  • Healthy eating



At KS4, we follow the AQA GCSE courses in French, German and Spanish. 


The examinations are tiered at Foundation and Higher.  


Foundation tier is aimed at grades 1 to 5, whilst Higher is aimed at grades 4 to 9. 


The full specifications can be found on the AQA pages and brief summary is below. 



The vocabulary covered in all three languages is grouped into three main themes as follows: 

Theme 1: Identity and culture 

Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest 

Theme 3: Current and future study and employment 


Paper 1: Listening (25%) 

Students listen to passages of varying length and complexity. In Section A, the questions are in English, whereas in Section B the questions are in the target language. The type of answers required include multiple choice, true/false/not mentioned and longer written answers. 


Paper 2: Speaking (25%) 

Students will take part in: - 

a role play, taken from a card with written prompts; 

a discussion of a photo, taken from a card; 

a general conversation based on two themes, one of which is chosen by the candidate in advance. 

The speaking examination is conducted by the teacher, recorded, and uploaded to the exam board. 


Paper 3: Reading (25%) 

Students read passages of varying length and complexity. In Section A, the questions are in English, whereas in Section B the questions are in the target language. The type of answers required include multiple choice, true/false/not mentioned and longer written answers. In Section C, students complete a short translation into English (approx. 35 words at Foundation and 50 words at Higher). 


Paper 4: Writing (25%) 

At Foundation tier, students complete a short description of a photo (4 sentences), a 40-word essay, a translation of 5 sentences and a 90-word essay. 

At Higher tier, students complete a 90-word essay, a 150-word essay and a translation into the target language (minimum 50 words). 


Subject-specific information: 


Revision and study guides 


We do not recommend or stock any particular revision guide, as we prefer to produce our own resources. However, students may wish to purchase a revision guide such as one of the AQA books from CGP. 



Further resources 


We use the following subject-specific resources for learning and revising vocabulary. 







Help with understanding music theory can be found under the ‘lessons’ tab of the following link:


The following documents contain all information needed for the GCSE Music Exam:


PE & Dance

KS4 Dance

Religious Education


RSC at Crofton School equips students to become the change they wish to see in the world by building mutual respect, understanding, and promoting the importance of world views. 



At KS3, we implement our Religious Education programme of study through a carefully planned, broad and balanced curriculum, which is in line with the pedagogy outlined in the Hampshire Agreed Syllabus ‘Living Difference 3’. This is student-centered, conceptual enquiry with deep philosophical, moral and religious questions at the core of learning. 


At GCSE, we use the same pedagogy and base our Religious Studies programmes of study around the guidelines found in the Educas Religious Studies Syllabus. Students will study the beliefs and practices of two religions: Islam and Christianity, interleaved with four ethical themes. 



Through our broad and balanced curriculum many students opt to take RE at GCSE. This highlights the level of interest, and evidence of students understanding the importance and impact of learning Religious Education. As a subject we promote a love of learning, and this is evidenced through our positive level of progress at GCSE. 


Religious Studies GCSE Results: 







In Science we actively encourage you to be an Independent Learner and extend your knowledge outside of your normal lessons.


Below are some useful resources that are a good place to start when looking to develop your knowledge:


  • BBC Focus Magazine - An excellent, monthly magazine featuring articles on popular science and technology pitched at just the right level for our pupils. If we could only suggest one resource, this would be it.

  • A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson - Often of recommended reading lists for A-level or degree, but certainly accessible to our students. Easy to read and covers many areas of popular science.

  • Boffinology - Justin Pollard - A fantastic collection of (short) stories and anecdotes about the successes (and disasters) of a number of scientists.


Useful Links:


  • Nelson Thornes AQA GCSE Science books. Now out of print as taken over by OUP (see below) but these are the books that we use in Science lessons

  • Oxford University Press - AQA GCSE Science books - Click here

  • gg/CroftonScience - Our own web resource with lots of past paper questions


Revision Guides:


  • CGP Triple Science (sold as a set) £16.50: Biology, Chemistry, Physics

  • CGP Core & Additional Science (sold separately) Core £5.50, Additional £5.50


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