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Ski Trip Information Evening

Just a quick reminder re this week’s Ski Information Evening which is scheduled for Wednesday 8th November 6:45-8pm in the Main School Hall. It will be your opportunity to learn about the week’s Alpine adventure and how best to prepare your child for the experience.

The students are very welcome to attend the event with you.

We will be using the event to double-check that we have all the correct information needed such as passport no, medical, height, shoe size etc. so pls ensure you know it to make that meaningful double-check.

We will also be inviting the students to try on a Hoody to identify the best size-fit and we ask what (precise) name/wording they would like on the back of their personalised Hoody. It should go without saying that it must not be rude or give away personal contact information! Please invite your child to start to think about this in time for being asked on Wednesday evening.

I very much look forward to seeing everyone together on the 8th November.

All Crofton staff who will be attending the trip will also be in attendance so Mr Playford will be available to update the many of you who have signed up for the beginners lessons at Southampton Alpine Ski Slope.

Mr Barnes

Ski Trip Leader


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