A large number of students have not yet submitted their work experience Wishlist through the EBP work experience portal. Please can I ask that you prompt your child to do this as soon as possible to ensure that they secure a placement of their choice.
Students need to check the EBP work experience portal to check the progress of their applications. In instances when 2 or more of their choices are 'unavailable' or 'declined', they will need to submit further choices through the EBP portal.
Please can you support your child when they are submitting their choices on the EBP portal to ensure that have chosen placement providers that they are able to travel to each day during the work experience week.
The signed Wishlist needs to be signed and returned to me as soon as possible.
If your child has chosen placements which you feel are either unsuitable for whatever reason (including due to the location), please let me know as possible so that we can remove the/these option/s from their Wishlist BEFORE the placement is confirmed by a placement provider, as any confirmed placement which then needs to be cancelled, will incur a cancellation charge.
Once a placement for your child has been confirmed by a placement provider, it is your responsibility to disclose to the placement provider any information regarding medical conditions, learning differences, or other vulnerabilities that may impact their ability to carry out certain duties and/or affect their health and safety.
As mentioned in my previous letter, it is important to note that students cannot apply for an online placement and a private placement (own placement) at the same time as it could incur double fees. If you have arranged a private placement for your child (not through EBP South), please can you check that your child has not also applied via EBP on the work experience portal. If they have also applied online through EBP, please do let me know as soon as possible so that I can cancel their online applications.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Please see attached letter and information that was emailed home from Mrs Grainger, Work Experience Co-ordinator.
