Year 11 students and Year 10 Statistics candidates
Dear Parent/Guardian
Over the next few days your son/daughter will receive their statement of entry in hard copy, this will show their subjects and tiers entered for Summer 2025 GCSE exams.
Please ask your son/daughter to check the paperwork, check that all subjects and correct tiers are showing, any queries ask them to speak with their teacher or head of department for that subject before Friday 31 January.
Check personal details are correct and that the name for certification is correct, any amendment to certificates after results day will incur a fee of approximately £50 per certificate, chargeable by the exam boards.
Should you have a query with any personal details please email me directly asap or at the latest before Friday 31 January.
Students will receive individual timetables and a copy of the GCSE timetable on 11 February.
A copy of the GCSE timetable will also be placed on the website alongside other exam information.
Kind regards
Mrs W Wollaston
Examination Officer
