We are delighted to be participating in Positive Noticing Day this year on Wednesday 13 November 2024.
We will be spending some time during the day thinking about the power of positive noticing. It is simple, practical, and highly effective. Being positively noticed by others builds self-esteem, supports behaviour and promotes good mental health.
We will be encouraging pupils (and staff!) to positively notice one another.
We encourage families to join in at home too. You can write positive notes for family members on luggage labels, post it notes or pieces of paper. We know that children who are positively noticed by their parents/carers are happier, healthier and more resilient and secure.
You may wish to use Positive Noticing Day as an opportunity to start daily positive noticing in your home. You can create and share positive labels as a family and save them - stick them on the fridge, the back of the door or put them in an old picture frame.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
‘I noticed that you put your plate by the sink, that’s really helped me this morning, you are very thoughtful, thank you’
‘Doing your homework without me asking shows real independence. I love the determination you are showing’
‘You are so good at sharing with your sister/brother. You are such a kind person.’
‘I noticed that you were really kind to X at school today. That made me really proud of you’
‘Thank you for putting your clothes in the washing basket. I notice that you are following the routine and remembering it perfectly. You are really trying and I appreciate it.'
We hope you enjoy the day, and we want to say that ‘we notice you’ and the effort you make to support your children, engage them in learning and enrich our school community! Thank you.
You can find out more about positive noticing and Positive Noticing Day at
More details to follow..........
Mrs Bryant
Assistant Headteacher
