It has been brought to our attention that the initial letter regarding our new ‘Crofton Community Book Club’ had a faulty link to the Form that needed to be filled out to register an interest.
Please find below the details of the club, and the new Forms link.
Crofton Community Book Club
We are excited to be launching a ‘Crofton Community Book Club’ which will not only provide an opportunity for those who work within the school and the families of our students to come together, but also a chance to share the love of reading for pleasure, or even ignite it!
It is going to be a ‘guilt-free’ no pressure book club; we understand that it can be difficult to find the time to read, however we also believe that reading is great for your well-being.
The aims of the club are to:
Meet half-termly to informally discuss the book and socialise. (We will read one book each half-term and meet at the end.)
Provide an opportunity to bring staff and the families of Crofton school together.
Provide an opportunity to engage in reading for pleasure.
Allow us to carve out time in our busy lives to prioritise reading- which is amazing for our well-being!
Provide an opportunity to share different perspectives and give everyone a voice.
The club is open to all those working within Crofton School as well as the families of our students (this includes extended family members).
Please complete the Form to register your interest and to be added to the club’s mailing list. You are also able to register extended family members through the link:
If you have any questions about the club, please contact us on:
Please can this be done by 27th November 2023.
Once you have registered your interest, and we have an idea of how many members we have, we will provide further information about the club.
Best wishes, Mrs Silvester-Mitchell and Mrs West