at the Brighton Dome on 23 January 2024.
From a student’s point of view, the Science Live trip was fantastic, five separate lecturers: Dr. Aderin-Pocock; Professor Lord Winston; Professor Sella; Dr. Yeo; and Professor Scott, each brought an easy, understandable, and educational approach to inquisitive subjects such as Space/ Satellite sub-systems, fertility, chemical reactions, obesity/genetics and food intake, neurobiology, and laughter science.
I learned massively through the engaging and constantly hilarious lectures; the whole trip was good value for the price and very budget-friendly.
Now from a teenager’s point of view, the toilets were clean and large, the Brighton theatre was clean and large, and to miss a day of school for £35 is a banging bargain in my opinion, 10/10 would recommend the trip!
Ingrid Yr10
