Dear Parents/ Carers,
Before the summer break we promoted our Crofton Community Book Club 'Summer Read', which was voted to be His Favourite Graves written by Paul Cleaves.
For all those that took part, we would like to invite you to attend our book meet where we will share our thoughts and responses to the novel, as well as discuss some of its key themes and ideas.
We are going to be meeting on 26 November 2024 from 17.00 until 18.00.
If you have read the book and would like to attend the book meet, please could you complete the Forms below so that we have an idea of attendees.
Also, if you read the book, but are unable to attend, we would love to still know. The Forms link will provide you an opportunity to share you thoughts on the read.
Once we have an idea of numbers, we will contact those attending to confirm where the meeting will be taking place.
Soon, we will also be launching our Crofton Community Book Club 'Winter Read.' More details on this will be communicated in the next few weeks.
Many thanks,
Mrs Silvester-Mitchell, Mrs West and Mrs Hughes