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Author visit for Year 7

Dear Parent / Guardian

At Crofton School we continue to promote and encourage reading, with all of its positive benefits, not just to student’s learning but also to support wellbeing too. Rather than holding World Book Day events, we have termly reading weeks scheduled around curriculum demands. I am thrilled to announce that as part of our Spring Celebrating Reading Week, 25 – 28 March, we are hosting a special event for our Year 7 students.

On Tuesday 26 March we will be hosting local, Southsea, author Gary Fyles in the LRC. Gary is a teacher, author and growth mindset coach. In his own words:

“The Growth Mindset/ Metacognition / Neuroplasticity theme runs throughout all I do, with the aim to support students in building their self-confidence and self-belief.

My 'author journey' draws on my own life-long love of reading - and the diversity of the texts I loved as a child. I believe that to truly encourage reading for pleasure we should appreciate that pleasure may be drawn from reading all sorts of texts: fiction and non-fiction.”

Year 7 will get the opportunity to spend a lesson with Gary over the course of the day, attending a workshop where there will be the opportunity to creatively explore Metacognition, thinking about how we think.

“The EEF (Education Endowment Foundation) identify Growth Mindset interventions as the one of the most effective for improving student progress and, with his twenty years of teaching experience, Gary has proven expertise in inspiring students with this message through his story-telling.

Growth Mindset improves student progress, aspirations and self-esteem. Embracing and reflecting on mistakes, challenges and growth allows students to be comfortable with their unique learning journey.”

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on


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